Forte Fresh Taste Extra Breeze Menthol 20's - 10 pack - 200 Cigarettes - The Fine Taste of Cigarettes
All Cigarettes Cigars Extra Breeze Menthol Forte price_52.00$
Forte Fresh Taste Extra Breeze Menthol 20's - 10 pack - 200 Cigarettes

Forte Fresh Taste Extra Breeze Menthol 20's - 10 pack - 200 Cigarettes

All Cigarettes Cigars Extra Breeze Menthol Forte price_52.00$
Short Description:

Product Description


Forte Fresh Taste Extra Breeze Menthol 20's - 10 pack - 200 Cigarettes

0,6mg Nicotine & 7mg Tar

This cigarette packaging uses a light green, black, orange, and white color base.

The foil color is silver, and has an embossed texture.

This cigarette rod has a diameter of 70mm, with a possible diameter in the range below 20mm. This cigarette uses tobacco wrap on the burning paper, with the main material being Reconstituted Tobacco Paper, or Recon paper. In the tipping paper section, FORTE is written in dark brown, with the base of the tipping paper being light green.

Before burning, this cigarette seems to have a strong menthol taste and a slightly savory sensation. However, when burned, the sensation of this cigarette seems to have a strong and bold taste, but tends to be just right.

This cigarette blend is an American Blend, with a slightly sweet taste dominant from Virginia Tobacco, a toasted sensation from Burley Tobacco, and quite nutty from Oriental Tobacco. Earthy enough for a menthol cigarette and balanced as a blend. This is due to the addition of Reconstituted Tobacco Paper to this cigarette wrap. Even though this cigarette is dominated by the use of expanded tobacco and recon tobacco, it can produce a balanced cigarette taste.

1 slot contains 10 pack
1 pak contains 20 cigarettes